lost in chinatown | red off shoulder dress

“If I Look Back, I’m Lost” ― Daenerys Targaryen

Reflecting upon 2015, the best quote that I can attach to it, is one from Daenerys. After all the hardships she faced, she realizes she can't go back and change history. If she allows herself to dwell on her mistakes and the consequences of it, it'll consume her and distract her from obtaining her goals. So she must focus on her future, to move forward and become the powerful woman she is now.

This same mantra can be applied to any one, especially to me (or maybe many people I know) this year. I learn a lot from what has happened, as well as through my friends. I always said without them, I don't know what I'll do. But I'm serious, they're my support and helped me through so much. They also "slap" me to wake me up and face the reality, so that I won't look back. I have to leave what has happened behind and just look forward to what could happen.

It's almost 2016, everyone's making new years resolutions, etc, but I feel like there's no point as I always break it. I wanted to blog more, it worked the first few months this year then I fell back into the laziness of not blogging haha. So instead, I'll just focus on improving myself rather than giving myself a set of goals or resolutions. I want to learn to protect myself and not get hurt again and again, something my friends tell me to do. It's easier said than done, but hopefully next year is the year I can learn from my mistakes. Well one thing I know for sure, is that I want to work harder on my retouching skills. That's the career path I decided I really want to aim for!

I thought this set of photos was fitting for ending the year - red is one of my favorite colors, as well as a color for luck and fortune. Hopefully that's what it'll bring to everyone for the upcoming year and the future! The Chinese word in the back of these shots[記]is part of the word remember, which goes along with reflecting upon the past year.

I shot these with Woo in Chinatown, and really love the overall feeling of it. I edited most of it except two shots (the two above that's less blue toned is edited by him, you can see everyone has their own style of editing ^_^), since I really wanted to practice retouching like I said earlier. It's fun shooting with him since I get to try new looks, such as this - I originally had green ombre hair but he wanted to try red on red in Chinatown (which was a reallyyy good idea as you can see), I decided to put my hair up in a fake bob. Red and green clash too much and too Christmas-y. I wanted photos that can be timeless, which I think we were able to achieve! Also now I realized if I really had to chop off my hair, I guess I could pull of the bob~

Happy new years to everyone! Hopefully I'll be less lazy in blogging this upcoming year, yeah? :P

This is me disgusted at the fish market ahahahha~




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